The Accountability framework
The Accountability Framework is a guide for achieving ethical supply chains in the agriculture and forestry sectors.
A roadmap for ethical supply chains
The Accountability Framework is a practical roadmap for addressing deforestation, conversion, and human rights in the agriculture and forestry sectors.
Published in 2019, the Framework represents the consensus of a diverse coalition of environmental and human rights NGOs, as well as expectations from leading companies, financial institutions, and international norms. It provides companies and other stakeholders with a detailed and trusted guide for setting goals, taking action, and reporting progress.
Learn about the Accountability Framework
- What does the Accountability Framework include?
Twelve Core Principles form the foundation of the Accountability Framework. The Core Principles are supported by 13 Operational Guidance documents and a set of common definitions that provide additional detail on putting the principles into practice. Access the full Framework here.
- What topics does the Accountability Framework address?
The Framework focuses on deforestation, ecosystem conversion, and human rights, including the rights of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and workers. Through these entry points, it also supports effective corporate action on climate, nature, and sustainable development. In addition, the Framework provides practical guidance on a range of operational topics, such as traceability, due diligence, supplier management, and monitoring.
- How was the Accountability Framework developed?
The AFi Steering Group led an open, consultative process to develop the Framework. A broad range of stakeholders participated and gave input, including civil society, companies, government representatives, and subject matter experts. This included strong participation from commodity-producing regions in Latin America, West and Central Africa, and Southeast Asia, and from the global level.
- How can I use the Accountability Framework?
Companies can use the Accountability Framework to help set strong goals, take effective action, and credibly report progress towards ethical supply chains. Financial institutions, industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives, and reporting initiatives can use the Framework as a practical guide to develop effective and aligned policies, actions, guidelines, and metrics.