The AFi has created guidance on how to eliminate deforestation, ecosystem conversion, and human rights abuses from commodity supply chains: the Accountability Framework. The AFi supports companies and other stakeholders working in the forestry and agricultural sectors to apply the Accountability Framework’s best practices.
Collaborating to transform supply chains
The AFi supports the transformation of agricultural and forestry supply chains to be fully protective of forests, other natural ecosystems, and human rights. We do this through the work of our 20+ member NGO Coalition, Backbone Team, and collaboration with our global network of partners.
Providing a practical roadmap for ethical supply chains
To help transform supply chains, we offer the Accountability Framework as a common roadmap to set goals, take action, and report progress. We update the Framework as needed to provide clear guidance and foster consensus in relation to evolving sustainability challenges and solutions.
Supporting implementation
AFi Coalition members and other partners support companies to transform their businesses in line with the Accountability Framework. This includes assessing current company practices, creating action plans, and developing systems and tools to implement good practice across complex supply chains.
In tropical countries where forest-risk commodities are produced, our Coalition supports responsible production practices on the ground. We work with upstream companies, traders, and local jurisdictions to implement the Framework’s good practices.
We also offer an array of tools and resources to help companies and other stakeholders implement the changes needed to achieve ethical supply chains in all contexts. These include the AFi’s own diagnostic tools and how-to guides as well as monitoring tools, reporting platforms, verification mechanisms, and commodity-specific guidelines – all aligned with the Accountability Framework.
Mainstreaming responsible production and trade
The AFi works to embed requirements, guidelines, and good practices for ethical supply chains broadly across key commodity sectors. We do this, for instance, by collaborating with industry associations, sustainability standards, and multi-stakeholder initiatives to develop effective policies and tools aligned with the Accountability Framework.
At a policy level, our Coalition uses the Accountability Framework to help inform and advocate for effective demand-side regulation in places such as the European Union, US, and UK. In commodity-producing countries, we support strong national laws and effective landscape and jurisdictional approaches.
Aligning goals, action, and metrics
Companies face increasing demands from stakeholders to address a wide range of environmental and social issues. To support practical action, the AFi works to strengthen alignment among different goals, targets, action pathways, and metrics. This includes alignment of corporate reporting and disclosure standards, metrics, implementation guidelines, and monitoring tools.
The Accountability Framework has been applied by hundreds of organisations, with impacts worldwide. If you would like to partner with us or learn more, please get in touch.
“The Accountability Framework provides a common baseline that makes it simpler for companies to understand what they need to do in response to major environmental issues, and easier for conservation groups to align around a common approach.”