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Workers harvesting and loading truck with palm seeds

11 dic 2020

Podcast: How to develop common language and trust for palm oil

A discussion on how the Accountability Framework initiative is helping the palm oil sector in Southeast Asia.

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Birds-eye view on a palm tree forest

9 dic 2020

Webinar: Using the Framework in tandem with certification and other tools

This webinar looks at how the Framework aligns with and complements certification and other tools that promote responsible commodity production and trade.

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Logs loaded in a truck

1 dic 2020

Cómo: escribir una política para una cadena de abastecimiento ética

Las empresas que buscan redactar sus propias políticas sobre cadena de abastecimiento ética pueden utilizar el Marco de rendición de cuentas como guía sobre cómo proteger los bosques y otros ecosistemas naturales y respetar los derechos humanos.

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Foggy forest

17 nov 2020

Webinar: Reporting on forest-risk commodities

Learn how to use the Accountability Framework to guide sustainability reporting, and how key reporting platforms are aligning with the Framework to provide greater consistency and clarity in reporting requirements.

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Deforestation in progress

5 nov 2020

Podcast: How commodities are going deforestation-free in Colombia

How companies and civil society in Colombia are working with the AFi to advance ethical supply chains in the Andean region.

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Monstera plant leaves

21 oct 2020

Webinar: Improve your company’s sustainability ratings

This webinar will provide examples and insight into alignment processes and answer listener questions.

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Landscape of hills with forests

30 sep 2020

Webinar: Overview of the Accountability Framework for companies

Learn how the Accountability Framework supports companies at every step of their ethical supply chain journeys.

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Person working on a soybean plantation

27 ago 2020

Webinar: Improving supplier management systems (Bahasa Indonesia)

In this webinar, CDP and AFi highlight the importance of supplier management systems in helping companies fulfill commitments and build resilient supply chains based on the Accountability Framework guidance.

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Aerial view palm oil plantations

15 jul 2020

Podcast: Ethical supply chains in the age of Covid-19

How the pandemic has affected supply chain sustainability efforts and what companies can do to stay on track to meet commitments.

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