Seminario en línea: Protección de los derechos a la tierra en cadenas de abastecimiento de productos básicos
14 junio 2022
Infórmese más sobre el respeto a los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y comunidades locales con este seminario en línea, con presentadores del programa Forest People, Proforest y más.
In this webinar, experts from the Forest Peoples Programme, Proforest, and the Accountability Framework initiative, plus guest speakers, shared best practice on managing agricultural and forestry supply chains that respect the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, with a focus on collective land rights.
- Anouska Perram, Coordinator and Senior Counsel at Forest Peoples Programme
- Justin Dupré-Harbord, Principal Project Manager at Proforest
- Civita Patriana, Programs Coordinator at Foundation for Sustainable Forest Communities
- Megan Olson, Land Tenure Specialist at Landesa
- Moderated by Karen Steer, Manager at Rainforest Alliance