New AFi resource on establishing company management systems
5 juillet 2023
The AFi has released a Topic Summary on Company Management Systems based on Core Principle 4 of the Accountability Framework.
For companies to effectively implement their ethical supply chain goals, they need to establish internal management systems and processes. Putting commitments into practice requires that companies embed their goals into all production, procurement, and other business decisions.
In a newly released topic summary, which draws upon Accountability Framework’s Core Principle 4, the AFi offers guidance on establishing company management systems. The topic summary explores the following subjects:
- The key attributes of management systems and why they are important
- What senior leadership accountability means and why is it important
- How companies can embed ethical supply chain goals into their operations
- The elements of effective stakeholder engagement, including grievance mechanisms
Download the resource below, and for additional information on driving implementation within your company, visit our Establish systems page.
For individualised support getting started with the Accountability Framework, please get in contact with the AFi team or visit our Delivery partners page to find an affiliated service provider.