AFi Explainers are designed to help companies understand and make use of external initiatives or tools that are aligned with the Accountability Framework, with the ultimate aim in supporting companies to achieve commodity supply chains free from deforestation, conversion, and human rights violations.
20 nov. 2024
Explainer: Setting and Implementing No-Deforestation Commitments under SBTi FLAG
See how companies can set no-deforestation commitments for their key forest-risk commodities in alignment with the Accountability Framework and the SBTi FLAG.
29 sept. 2022
Explainer: Deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains and land use change emissions: A guide to aligning corporate targets, accounting, and disclosure
Manage deforestation, ecosystem conversion, and greenhouse gas emissions from land use change with guidance from the AFi, Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and SBTi.