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Webinar: Improving supplier management systems (Bahasa Indonesia)

27 août 2020

In this webinar, CDP and AFi highlight the importance of supplier management systems in helping companies fulfill commitments and build resilient supply chains based on the Accountability Framework guidance.

Person working on a soybean plantation

The Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) partnered with CDP Asia to host a series of webinars in Bahasa Indonesia to introduce the Accountability Framework to palm oil and forestry companies in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Supply chain complexity is one of the main challenges to avoiding forest-related risks in companies’ direct operations and in other parts of their value chain. In this webinar, CDP and AFi highlight the importance of supplier management systems in helping companies fulfill commitments and build resilient supply chains based on the Accountability Framework guidance. This webinar also covers modules in the CDP forest questionnaire that can be used by companies to report on the progress of their supply chain management.

Webinar: Improving supplier management systems

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