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Webinar: Using the Framework in tandem with certification and other tools

9 décembre 2020

This webinar looks at how the Framework aligns with and complements certification and other tools that promote responsible commodity production and trade.

Birds-eye view on a palm tree forest

As a company-wide roadmap for setting and implementing ethical supply chain goals, the Accountability Framework is designed to work together with other initiatives that support the achievement of these goals. In this one-hour webinar, learn how the Framework aligns with and complements certification and other tools that promote responsible commodity production and trade.


  • Jeff Milder, Director, AFi Backbone Team
  • Dan Strechay, Director of Outreach & Engagement, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
  • Nadège Nzoyem, Director, Central Africa, Rainforest Alliance

Webinar: Using the Accountability Framework in tandem with certification and other tools

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