Webinar: Time For Transparency Report Launch
21 mai 2024
The AFi and CDP launch the joint report Time for Transparency: Deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains.
In this webinar the Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) and CDP launched the joint report Time for Transparency: Deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains.
Experts discussed the state of corporate disclosures regarding deforestation- and conversion-free agricultural and forestry commodity supply chains.
2023 was the first year that companies disclosed their progress on this topic in a standardised format through the CDP forest questionnaire using indicators developed in partnership with the AFi.
The webinar explored report key findings, recommendations for company action, and insights from a CDP A-list company. The speakers also answered audience questions.
- Sabrina Gonçalves Krebsbach, Sustainable Sourcing and Biodiversity Specialist, Kering
- Thomas Maddox, Director of Nature, CDP
- Leah Samberg, Lead Scientist, Accountability Framework initiative
- Tomasz Sawicki, Head of Land, CDP