AFi launches how to guide for supplier codes of conduct
13 September 2023
Put policies into action with the AFi’s new how to guide on writing a supplier code of conduct for your supply chain.

Today the Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) has released a new how to guide on how to develop a supplier code of conduct that is aligned with the recommendations of the Accountability Framework.
The guide was designed specifically for companies that source agricultural and forestry commodities. It aims to give step-by-step instructions on how to develop and implement a supplier code of conduct across all of a company’s supply chains. By using this guide, companies can work towards sourcing commodities that are free from human rights abuses, deforestation, and conversion of other natural ecosystems.
As companies face increased demand to set and achieve ethical supply chain policies and commitments, supplier engagement is essential. A supplier code of conduct is key to achieving the required level of supply engagement across complex and global supply chains.
In 2020, the AFi launched a guide on How To Write an Ethical Supply Chain Policy, designed to support companies on how to create Accountability Framework-aligned policies that also advance their climate and nature goals. The new how to guide serves as a companion piece to this document, helping companies translate their written policies into supplier action on the ground.
View or download the new guide on How to Write a Supplier Code Aligned with the Accountability Framework now.
Have questions? Get in touch with the AFi team directly or contact one of our delivery partners for more information.