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Deforestation birds-eye view

25 Nov 2022

Podcast: Optimised guidelines to reduce deforestation and land conversion impacts

The AFi, McDonald's, and Innovation Forum discuss new guidance on land use change developed by the AFi, SBTi, and GHG Protocol.

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Forest landscape viewed from the top

29 Sep 2022

Webinar: Rantai pasok bebas deforestasi, bebas konversi, dan tanpa emisi dari perubahan pemanfaatan lahan

Simak paparan WWF, WRI, Nestle, dan IKEA dalam webinar peluncuran panduan baru yang disusun oleh AFi, SBTi, dan GHG Protocol.

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Explainer: Deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains and land use change emissions: A guide to aligning corporate targets, accounting, and disclosure

29 Sep 2022

Explainer: Deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains and land use change emissions: A guide to aligning corporate targets, accounting, and disclosure

Manage deforestation, ecosystem conversion, and greenhouse gas emissions from land use change with guidance from the AFi, Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and SBTi.

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Big group of people gathered in the forest

14 Jun 2022

Webinar: Melindungi hak atas lahan dalam rantai pasok komoditas

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang penghormatan terhadap hak Masyarakat Adat dan masyarakat setempat dalam webinar ini dengan pembicara dari Forest Peoples Programme, Proforest, dan lainnya.

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Palm seeds in hand

25 Mei 2022

Webinar: Dari komitmen hingga aksi dalam skala besar: Langkah penting guna mencapai rantai pasok bebas deforestasi

Webinar ini membahas berbagai temuan dalam laporan yang mengevaluasi kemajuan perusahaan berdasarkan Kerangka Akuntabilitas menggunakan data Hutan CDP tahun 2021.

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Report: From commitments to action at scale: critical steps to achieve deforestation-free supply chains

24 Mei 2022

Report: From commitments to action at scale: critical steps to achieve deforestation-free supply chains

This report assesses company disclosures to understand how they are working to mitigate risks within their supply chain using data from CDP’s 2021 forests questionnaire.

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Report: Clear definitions: the core of a strong EU regulation to address deforestation and related impacts

15 Apr 2022

Report: Clear definitions: the core of a strong EU regulation to address deforestation and related impacts

A white paper on how the regulation’s definitions could be adjusted to better protect forests and other key at-risk ecosystems.

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Rubber harvesting in forest

8 Mar 2022

Podcast: Fast-tracking rubber sector sustainability progress

This podcast discusses how the AFi worked with GPSNR and its members to develop a policy framework that addresses the specific supply chain risks in the rubber sector.

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Man working in the forest

1 Des 2021

Webinar: Mengintegrasikan hak pekerja ke dalam rantai pasok komoditas

Pembicara dari Nestlé, Oxfam, Proforest, dan Rainforest Alliance membahas cara menyusun kebijakan, melakukan tindakan, dan melaporkan kemajuan terkait hak pekerja dalam rantai pasok pertanian dan kehutanan.

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