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AFi bekerja erat dengan organisasi mitra yang menawarkan dukungan khusus untuk perusahaan yang berupaya menetapkan dan mencapai target rantai pasok yang selaras dengan Kerangka Akuntabilitas.

Dari pelaksanaan tolok ukur kebijakan perusahaan terhadap Kerangka, penyusunan dan penerapan rencana aksi, hingga dukungan terhadap monitoring dan pelaporan, organisasi mitra berikut menyediakan saran dan layanan ahli di tingkat global dan regional.

Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan untuk terhubung dengan organisasi mitra yang memenuhi kebutuhan Anda, silakan hubungi kami.

Catatan: AFi tidak mengatur atau memiliki suatu hubungan apa pun dengan organisasi mitra. Semua mitra berikut terlibat dengan AFi secara berkala dan terlatih untuk menawarkan layanan dan alat bantu yang selaras dengan Kerangka Akuntabilitas untuk mengakselerasi perjalanan menuju rantai pasok yang bertanggung jawab.


AFi Coalition members



Key services

  • Advice and technical support to public and private sectors on policy commitments, regulations, and implementation guidance for responsible sourcing of forest risk commodities 

  • Trade and market analysis; providing strategic insights, reports and reflections  

  • Messaging, education, and awareness support to communicate progress and future action 

  • Strategic analysis and evaluation services; providing recommendations to increase effectiveness for both companies and a range of global programmes 


Efeca is a certified B Corp, which involves a legal commitment to making business decisions that create a positive impact for the environment, customers, suppliers, employees, and the community. A member of the Accountability Framework initiative's (AFi) Coalition, as well as a Tropical Forest Alliance partner, World Economic Forum preferred supplier, and UN Global Compact signatory, the Efeca team of technical experts works with a wide range of clients across public, private, finance, and civil society sectors to create a positive impact for people and planet.  

Efeca builds global engagements at national and local levels in over 30 countries. It works across agricultural and forest risk commodities, including palm oil, soya, timber, pulp and paper, cattle (beef and leather), sugar, coffee, cocoa, and rubber. In its engagements, Efeca provides facilitation, strategic planning, and programme support on responsible sourcing, and on sustainable trade and use of agricultural and forest commodities. Projects range from large, international donor programmes to the delivery of bespoke trainings for small and midsize enterprises (SMEs).   


Preferred by Nature

Preferred by Nature

Layanan utama

  • Pelaksanaan tolok ukur kebijakan dan sistem perusahaan terhadap Kerangka Akuntabilitas
  • Penggunaan “Kerangka Keberlanjutan” yang selaras dengan Kerangka Akuntabilitas dalam melaksanakan penilaian risiko, monitoring, dan verifikasi kinerja sosial dan lingkungan untuk komoditas tertentu
  • Pelibatan rantai pasok


Preferred by Nature adalah organisasi nirlaba internasional yang bekerja mendukung pengelolaan lahan dan praktik bisnis yang lebih baik sehingga dapat menghasilkan manfaat bagi masyarakat, alam, dan iklim. Selama lebih dari 25 tahun, Preferred by Nature telah bekerja untuk mendorong pemanfaatan lahan yang berkelanjutan dan penjualan komoditas hutan dan pertanian yang bertanggung jawab melalui proyek inovasi, pengembangan kapasitas, sertifikasi, dan layanan keberlanjutan. Preferred by Nature memiliki lebih dari 270 staf dan berkegiatan di lebih dari 100 negara di Afrika, Asia, Eropa, dan Amerika.

Preferred by Nature mendukung dampak berkelanjutan yang kuat di lapangan dengan menawarkan kumpulan layanan konsultasi keberlanjutan sesuai kebutuhan yang selaras dengan Kerangka Akuntabilitas. Paket layanan inti antara lain adalah menjalankan tolok ukur kebijakan dan sistem perusahaan terhadap praktik terbaik, melakukan pelibatan rantai pasok untuk membantu Anda membangun kepercayaan terhadap pelaku rantai pasok, dan melakukan penilaian risiko lingkungan, sosial, dan tata kelola (Environmental, Social, and Governance, ESG) khusus komoditas menggunakan Kerangka Keberlanjutan Preferred by Nature yang selaras dengan AFi, serta monitoring dan memverifikasi kinerja sosial dan lingkungan.





Layanan utama

  • Dukungan untuk perusahaan dalam mencapai pengadaan pasokan dan produksi yang bertanggung jawab dan selaras dengan Kerangka Akuntabilitas
  • Dukungan terhadap standar sukarela dan inisiatif multipemangku kepentingan yang selaras dengan Kerangka Akuntabilitas
  • Kolaborasi yang efektif, termasuk dalam inisiatif lanskap dan multipemangku kepentingan
  • Pengembangan kapasitas menggunakan alat bantu dan panduan, Kerangka Pelaporan Implementasi NDPE, dan pelatihan


Proforest adalah organisasi global yang bekerja di lebih dari 30 negara dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dalam rantai pasok global. Komoditas inti yang dicakup dalam layanan konsultasi dan program pemberian hibah antara lain adalah sawit, gula, daging sapi, karet, kakao, dan kayu, serta hasil hutan. Proforest juga memiliki pengalaman bekerja dengan komoditas kelapa, kopi, kapas, rumput laut merah, nanas, pisang, dan shea. ​Misi Proforest adalah mendukung produksi pertanian dan kehutanan yang memberikan hasil positif kepada masyarakat, alam, dan iklim.


Layanan Konsultasi Perusahaan Rainforest Alliance

Layanan Konsultasi Perusahaan Rainforest Alliance

Layanan utama

  • Pelaksanaan tolok ukur kebijakan dan praktik perusahaan terhadap Kerangka Akuntabilitas menggunakan alat penilaian AFi, dan dukungan dalam penyusunan rencana aksi guna mencapai keselarasan
  • Pemetaan rantai pasok, penilaian risiko, dan pelibatan pemasok
  • Dukungan untuk menyusun kebijakan perusahaan yang membahas komitmen tanpa deforestasi, tanpa konversi, HAM, dan pedoman pengadaan pasokan yang bertanggung jawab
  • Pengembangan kapasitas


Tim Layanan Konsultasi Perusahaan Rainforest Alliance mendukung perusahaan untuk menyusun atau memperkuat kebijakan untuk mengatasi deforestasi, konversi, dan persoalan terkait HAM terhadap komoditas yang berisiko terhadap hutan, seperti sawit, karet, pulp dan kertas, dan kayu. Komitmen perusahaan, mekanisme pelaksanaan, dan sistem pelaporan dinilai berdasarkan Kerangka Akuntabilitas. Proses ini meliputi identifikasi kesenjangan dan bekerja sama dengan tim keberlanjutan dan pengadaan klien untuk mengembangkan rencana aksi guna mewujudkan rantai pasok yang etis. Pelatihan kepada klien perusahaan dan pemasoknya juga tersedia.  ​Rainforest Alliance menawarkan pula Palm Industry Platform (PIP), yakni alat pemetaan yang mendukung penelusuran sawit, kayu, pulp dan kertas, dan karet. Alat ini dilengkapi pula dengan layanan rantai pasok lainnya, seperti penilaian risiko dan pengembangan prosedur pengelolaan pemasok. 





Key services

  • Benchmarking and improvement of human rights policies, codes of conduct, and other Human Rights Due Diligence tools, in alignment with the Accountability Framework, the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and other legislation
  • Setting and tracking best-in-class human rights objectives, indicators, and targets
  • Assessing human rights risks, identifying salient issues, and building action plans at enterprise, supply chain, and farm/field level to tackle those issues 
  • Customised training programs to enhance the human rights capabilities of sustainability teams, agricultural processing operations, agronomists, field-based staff, farmers, and workers


Verité is a mission-driven, fully non-profit, international labour rights NGO that specialises in providing technical assistance to companies, governments, and civil society organisations to drive progress on labour issues in global supply chains. Verité staff are recognised global experts on forced labour and human trafficking for labour exploitation, responsible recruitment of workers, child labour, freedom of association, and fair, safe, and healthy conditions of work.

Verité has pioneered approaches to human rights due diligence at scale, through initiatives like CUMULUS Forced Labor Screen™, a platform that maps cross-border labour supply chains using patented technology and screens operations and supply chains for forced labour indicators. CUMULUS is especially suited to sectors with migrant labour and high forced labour risk, such as palm oil.

The organisation has a wide portfolio of multinational corporate clients, with particular depth in the fast-moving consumer goods and food and beverage sectors, including in palm oil, cocoa, coffee, and other agricultural commodities. Verité has also been instrumental in developing the AFi’s guidance on human rights and is highly engaged in the work of the AFi Coalition.


World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Layanan utama

  • Penyusunan kebijakan dan komitmen rantai pasok yang bertanggung jawab
  • Identifikasi alat bantu dan referensi untuk mendukung penerapan kebijakan
  • Dukungan dalam pelaksanaan tindakan di tingkat lanskap
  • Dukungan dalam mengomunikasikan perkembangan


Sebagai salah satu organisasi konservasi terbesar di dunia, WWF sering bekerja dengan perusahaan di sepanjang rantai pasok komoditas untuk mendorong perubahan transformatif, termasuk dalam melawan dan mengembalikan degradasi dan hilangnya alam. WWF menggunakan definisi dan panduan Kerangka Akuntabilitas dalam:

  1. Membantu perusahaan menyusun atau memperbarui kebijakan untuk mengatasi deforestasi, konversi, dan ancaman terkait HAM.
  2. Memandu perusahaan untuk menggunakan alat yang sesuai dalam menilai risiko produksi atau pengadaan pasokan, mengomunikasikan ekspektasi terhadap pemasok dan melibatkannya, monitoring dan memverifikasi perkembangan, dan melaporkan hasil.
    • Bagi perusahaan dengan jejak hutan, program Forests Forward mendukung pengelolaan hutan yang ditingkatkan, transisi menuju pengadaan pasokan yang bertanggung jawab, dan pelaksanaan intervensi berbasis hutan.
    • Bagi perusahaan yang memperoleh pasokan kedelai, daging sapi, atau kulit dari Amerika Selatan, Toolkit DCF selaras dengan panduan AFi, yang dalam konteks ini adalah untuk mendukung rantai pasok tanpa deforestasi dan tanpa konversi.
  3. Melengkapi tindakan untuk mengatasi risiko rantai pasok dengan solusi berbasis alam yang berskala dalam lanskap prioritas utama guna mengatasi tantangan sistematis dan mendukung perlindungan, restorasi, dan perbaikan pengelolaan lanskap prioritas di seluruh dunia.
  4. Mengidentifikasi dan menjalankan komunikasi strategis untuk menyampaikan progres dan mendorong agenda tanpa deforestasi dan tanpa konversi.


Other consultancies

Anthesis Group

Anthesis Group

Key services

  • Identification and evaluation of value chain risks related to conversion, deforestation, and human rights
  • Development of responsible sourcing policies, deforestation-free commitments, and science-based targets for climate and nature
  • Supply chain engagement and development of monitoring and verification systems
  • Assessment and communication of progress towards deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains


Anthesis brings together 1,000+ experts operating in 40 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, to serve more than 2,000 clients. Anthesis exists to shape a more productive and resilient world and is committed to creating a future in which people and nature thrive. Anthesis is a B Corp and a member of Business for Nature, the Capitals Coalition, the Task Force for Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum, and the Science-Based Targets Network Corporate Engagement Program.

Anthesis experts offer advice and technical support to companies on their journeys to create deforestation– and conversion-free value chains in alignment with the Accountability Framework. This includes:

  • Identifying and evaluating value chain risks
  • Developing responsible supply chain commitments and science-based targets for climate and nature
  • Developing responsible sourcing policies and supporting supply chain engagement
  • Benchmarking responsible sourcing policies and programs
  • Developing Forest Positive strategies to support regeneration and restoration of forest ecosystems
  • Developing monitoring and verification systems and supporting clients to communicate progress and performance




Key services 

  • Consultancy programmes for sustainable and regenerative animal-based supply chains for food and fibre, integrating social, animal welfare, and environmental objectives 

  • The delivery of deforestation risk assessments, including benchmarking against the Accountability Framework, rapid supply chain audits, and mapping 

  • The provision of advisory services for delivering remediation and mitigation actions in collaboration with suppliers and aligned with the Accountability Framework, to protect forests, natural ecosystems, and human rights 

  • The collection of data using supply chain assessments and surveys for storage and presentation within our bespoke online portal, allowing monitoring, benchmarking, analysis and reporting of outcome measures, and due diligence processes for farmed animal supply chains 


FAI is a multi-disciplinary international team of farmers, scientists, and consultants, who partner with corporations to deliver positive change to animal-based production systems. To regeneratively nourish and clothe a growing population, FAI believes we need diverse production systems that deliver positive outcomes for people, animals, and the environment. Therefore, FAI approaches the problem of deforestation with a unique perspective, recognising that a sustainable future is dependent upon social justice, flourishing ecosystems, and high standards of animal welfare.   

With offices and representatives in the UK, Brazil, Germany, and the USA, FAI works with producers, suppliers, and retailers to identify problems and design meaningful solutions to mitigate risks and realise long-term business benefits for its partners. It is ISO 27001 certified for information security.  


Nextra Consulting

Nextra Consulting

Key Services: 

  • Implementation of EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) using synergies with AFi’s approach 

  • Quick-check of deforestation- and conversion-free (DCF) strategies, including status-quo assessment and roadmap development; comprehensive analyses to identify gaps and formulate tailored recommendations; development of strategies, targets and implementation plans with KPIs for progress tracking; development of commitments and policies for ethical supply chains or assessing the suitability of tools and standards for companies 

  • Facilitation of stakeholder dialogue and engagement, both internally (eg, involving purchasing or other departments) and externally (eg, communication and collaborating with supply chain partners as suppliers) 

  • Support of upstream activities (producers) to develop strategies and practices aligned with the Accountability Framework, including training of suppliers regarding requirements of the AFi (and if relevant, connected regulations as the EUDR) 

About Nextra Consulting: 

Nextra Consulting is an internationally operating sustainability consultancy based in Germany. With a belief that sustainability must be considered holistically for successful implementation, Nextra operates with an interdisciplinary team, providing tailored solutions for an international and diverse clientele. The clients range from producing industry, retailers and financial institutions to political institutions, research institutes, and non-profit organizations. 

Nextra specializes in supporting clients in developing and realizing their sustainability goals as well as in meeting external regulations (eg, EUDR, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)) and requirements. Their services encompass various aspects such as gap analysis, strategy development, and the implementation of concrete measures. Within the context of deforestation and conversion, Nextra understands the hurdles of value chain actors and offers best practice approaches to overcome obstacles and enable sustainable development. 



South Pole

South Pole

Key services 

  • Assessment of potential exposure to risks associated with deforestation, conversion, and climate change. This includes quantifying emissions resulting from associated land use changes
  • Support in developing commitments, policies, and strategies for eliminating deforestation and conversion from supply chains, and in mitigating associated risks. This includes harmonisation with existing climate ambitions
  • Development of time-bound roadmaps, mechanisms, and tools for accelerated implementation of no-deforestation and no-Conversion commitments
  • Development of approaches and tools for monitoring, verification, and reporting of company and supply chain performance against no-deforestation, no-conversion, and climate action commitments


Founded in 2006, South Pole is a leading climate consultancy with the mission to accelerate the transition to a climate-smart society. South Pole believes that a more prosperous future is within reach, but only if everyone plays their part today. South Pole’s 1400 employees develop, implement, and advise emission reduction strategies and projects that turn climate action into long-term business opportunities for companies, governments, and organizations around the world. South Pole knows that climate action is a team sport – which is why the organization goes beyond the boundaries of day-to-day business to partner with like-minded peers and organizations around the world to drive systemic change, together.  

South Pole believes that eliminating deforestation and ecosystem conversion in the production and sourcing of forestry and agricultural commodities is critical for achieving climate goals. With the private sector at the forefront of this challenge, South Pole supports corporate and financial actors with effective and comprehensive approaches and tools to set and achieve no-deforestation and no-conversion pledges - in line with international best-practice. 


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