Koalisi Asia Tenggara
Koalisi AFi Asia Tenggara membantu perusahaan dan pemangku kepentingan regional di kawasan Asia Tenggara untuk menciptakan rantai pasok yang etis.
Koalisi Asia Tenggara, yang terdiri dari perwakilan koalisi global AFi yang aktif di Asia Tenggara, bekerja sama dengan pihak-pihak lain untuk mengatasi tantangan-tantangan utama yang dihadapi dalam produksi komoditas dan pengolahan primer yang bertanggung jawab. Dengan menggunakan Kerangka Akuntabilitas (Accountability Framework) guna menghubungkan norma-norma global dengan konteks lokal, anggota koalisi terlibat secara langsung dengan produsen dan pemasok hulu lainnya untuk menetapkan kebijakan dan praktik yang akan menghasilkan komoditas yang bebas dari deforestasi, konversi, dan pelanggaran HAM. Koalisi ini juga bekerja sama dengan inisiatif industri, proses kebijakan, dan yurisdiksi untuk membantu menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung perlindungan hutan alam, ekosistem alami lainnya, dan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM).
Koalisi AFi Asia Tenggara terdiri dari organisasi-organisasi berikut, dengan WRI Indonesia sebagai sekretariatnya.
CDP Asia
Global Canopy
The Nature Conservancy Indonesia
Preferred by Nature
Proforest Southeast Asia
Rainforest Alliance Indonesia
Wildlife Conservation Society
World Resources Institute Indonesia
WWF Singapore, Malaysia, dan Indonesia
The AFi SEA Coalition recognises that actions are needed both within and beyond individualised supply chains to effectively achieve impact on-the-ground. Some supply chain actors are newer to, or have not yet begun, their sustainability journey and operate at a lower capacity to fulfil supply chain goals. Others, such as smallholders, may not yet be part of a specific supply chain and therefore cannot be engaged through traditional supply chain approaches for halting deforestation.
To address these challenges, SEA Coalition members work directly with small and medium-size companies, supporting them to understand the gaps in their performance and the actions needed to close those gaps. Coalition members also engage indirect suppliers of global downstream companies to help them understand and be able to fulfil the expectations of their buyers. The Accountability Framework serves as the roadmap for these activities.
In parallel, the SEA Coalition works collaboratively with policymakers and jurisdictions to create the necessary enabling conditions for companies to be better positioned to implement sustainable practices in accordance with the Accountability Framework.
Finally, the Coalition engages with industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives, assessment platforms, and other organisations to integrate the Framework´s principles, guidance, and definitions into their existing/emerging policies and processes. This helps to ensure that good practices, such as those defined in the Framework, and effective tools developed through the collective efforts of other organisations, are readily accessible to the companies involved in these initiatives.
For more details about AFi SEA Coalition’s strategy, please read this article.
The clinics engage companies, district governments, and local partners in Aceh, South Sumatra, and West Kalimantan provinces in Indonesia, covering six districts in total.
Orientation workshop webinar
An information session webinar for the Implementing Sustainable Supply Chain Clinic was held on 25 April 2022. It served to inform parent companies, buyers, and relevant associations about the launch of this program, to give an overview of the project components, and to answer any questions. Watch now
District sustainability commitments
Each district engaging in the project - Sintang, Sanggau, Musi Banyuasin, Aceh Tamiang, and Aceh Timur - declared support for the clinic activities and its value in accelerating and strengthening the districts´ agenda on ethical supply chains.
Musim Mas Group on the Accountability Framework
Olivier Tichit, Director of Sustainable Supply Chain of Musim Mas Group, offers his testimonial on how the Accountability Framework has supported the company in strengthening its sustainable commitment.