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The BMW Group is a manufacturer of premium automobiles and motorcycles, and provider of premium financial and mobility services. The company’s purchasing portfolio includes products containing natural rubber and leather. 

The BMW Group used the Accountability Framework initiative's self-assessment tool to benchmark its activities towards stakeholder expectations and best practices. As a result, it adapted and harmonised specific elements of the company’s due diligence process, for example its BMW Group Supplier Sustainability Policy.

Furthermore, the BMW Group is an active member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) and, as such, published its high-level Commitment for Sustainable Natural Rubber based on GPSNR’s Policy Framework, which is closely aligned with the Accountability Framework.

“The Accountability Framework has provided us with a valuable basis to deal with risks in forest and agriculture value chains. The self-assessment tool in particular helped us to benchmark our activities against best practices.” 

Vanessa Buchberger, BMW

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