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CGF Forest Positive Coalition

The Forest Positive Coalition (FPC) is a CEO-led initiative comprising 21 of the world’s largest consumer goods retailers and manufacturers, collectively representing $1.8 trillion in market share. Led by the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) and working in partnership with the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) and Proforest (a member of the AFi Coalition), the FPC supports member companies to eliminate deforestation and ecosystem conversion from commodity supply chains, with a focus on four commodities: beef, palm oil, paper/pulp/packaging, and soy. The FPC has created Roadmaps to guide responsible production and sourcing for each of these commodities. Each Roadmap includes a set of commitments, an action plan for achieving them, and key performance indicators.

The FPC looked to the Accountability Framework as a key reference for consensus-based guidelines and definitions. It also used the Framework as a guide for the entire ethical supply chain journey – from setting commitments to managing suppliers to monitoring and reporting on performance. The AFi Backbone Team (BBT) worked closely with the FPC to support adoption of the Framework’s guidance.

The AFi BBT participates in the FPC working group on Sustainable Soy Sourcing Guidelines, and continues to support the development of risk assessment, monitoring, and reporting approaches aligned with the Framework. The AFi BBT has also helped to update the key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with the FPC Roadmaps, improving alignment with the Framework’s guidance and the CDP forests questionnaire, thereby streamlining company reporting efforts.

 “Transparency and accountability are core to our mission of creating sustainable and ethical supply chains in the consumer goods industry. The Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition’s commitment to removing deforestation, forest degradation, and conversion from supply chains is supported by rigorous best practice and guidance such as the Accountability Framework. True transformation requires collaboration between the private sector, NGOs, governments, local communities, and other stakeholders. By aligning our ambitions and approaches, we can collectively protect forests and other ecosystems, and secure a sustainable future for all.”

- Didier Bergeret, Director Sustainability, The Consumer Goods Forum

CGF Forest Positive Coalition
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