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UK Roundtable on Sustainable Soya

Using the Accountability Framework to jump-start a major soy industry sustainability effort

Launched in 2018, the UK Roundtable on Sustainable Soya brings together the major soy actors across the supply chain feeding into the UK market, providing a pre-competitive space to work together toward the shared goal of sourcing responsible soya, and toward joint monitoring and reporting on progress. Efeca, a member of the AFi Coalition, facilitates and provides support to the Roundtable. To help Roundtable members achieve their objectives efficiently and in alignment with related initiatives operating in the soy sector, Efeca looked to the Accountability Framework as a common reference that all Roundtable members could get behind.

Knowing that the Accountability Framework is consensus-based and that it was consulted with a range of civil society and industry experts, Roundtable members turned to it with confidence in defining key terms such as “natural forest” and “ecosystem conversion.” Following the Framework, they committed to achieving meaningful and demonstrable progress by the end of 2020. Efeca has also encouraged Roundtable members to use the Framework’s guidance when writing their individual policy commitments and time-bound action plans.

Additional information can be found here:

UK Roundtable on Sustainable Soya
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