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Value of the Accountability Framework to industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives

Industry associations and multi-stakeholder initiatives play a key role in scaling up responsible supply chains at the sectoral level. They do this by bringing together peer companies and other stakeholders and engaging them collectively to define and achieve shared goals. Yet agreeing on common goals and implementation systems can be challenging and time-consuming. The Accountability Framework provides a trusted reference that can help jump-start such processes and improve their outcomes.

Impacts of this work

At least 70 industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives have applied the Accountability Framework to date. This includes industry associations, roundtables and certification programmes, and initiatives focused on responsible finance, disclosure, and accountability. 

Together, these efforts have gone far toward defining and scaling-up responsible supply chain practices at a sectoral level. Additionally, hundreds of companies have applied elements of the Accountability Framework by way of their membership in these associations and initiatives.

In the soy sector, numerous initiatives have used the Framework to help align and strengthen key elements of a responsible supply chain approach. This alignment has included definitions, policy goals, supplier engagement practices, and monitoring and reporting procedures. Soy initiatives using the Framework include Soy on Track in Brazil, the Soy Retail Group, the soy sourcing guidelines and roadmap of the Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition, the UK Soy Manifesto, and UK Roundtable on Sustainable Soya. 

In the rubber sector, the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) came together to establish a common, sector-wide approach to sustainability that would include all actors in the supply chain from rubber producers to carmakers. To do so, the initiative adopted the Accountability Framework as the primary reference for the GPSNR Policy Framework. All member companies in the initiative are expected to follow this policy. 

Across other sectors, multiple certification systems have benchmarked their standards against the Accountability Framework or adopted key definitions from the Framework as they revised their standards.

Apply the Accountability Framework 

Industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives interested in using the Framework are invited to:

Industry groups and multi-stakeholder initiatives using the Framework

Beef on Track

Beef on Track

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Book Chain Project

Book Chain Project

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CGF Forest Positive Coalition

CGF Forest Positive Coalition

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China Meat Association (CMA)

China Meat Association (CMA)

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Deforestation-Free Call to Action for Leather

Deforestation-Free Call to Action for Leather

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Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR)

Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR)

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Greenhouse Gas Protocol

Greenhouse Gas Protocol

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Retail Soy Group

Retail Soy Group

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Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

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Science Based Targets Network

Science Based Targets Network

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Soy on Track

Soy on Track

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UK Roundtable on Sustainable Soya

UK Roundtable on Sustainable Soya

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UK Soy Manifesto

UK Soy Manifesto

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