Explore more on the new AFi website
4 May 2023
Along with an updated look and feel, the new website makes it easier for users to learn more about the Accountability Framework and apply it in their work.

The Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) team is pleased to launch our new website. Along with an updated look and feel, the new website makes it easier for users to learn more about the Accountability Framework and apply it in their work.
The Framework is a roadmap for companies to set goals, take action, and report on progress towards addressing deforestation, ecosystem conversion, and human rights in their agricultural and forestry supply chains.
Comprised of Core Principles, definitions, and Operational Guidance, the Framework is designed to guide companies at any position in the supply chain from start to finish as they pursue ethical supply chain goals. By following the Framework, companies can be confident that they are applying good practices and meeting stakeholder and market expectations.
How companies can use the new AFi website
The new website makes it even easier for companies to apply the Framework when establishing or strengthening policies and practices across seven essential action areas:
- Set goals
- Establish systems
- Manage supply chains
- Manage production
- Collaborate at the landscape and sectoral level
- Monitor and verify
- Report progress
In addition to accessing the full Accountability Framework, companies can explore helpful resources, learn how the Framework addresses key supply chain challenges, find a delivery partner, or get in contact with the AFi team for individualised support.
How other stakeholders can use the new AFi website
The Accountability Framework not only provides guidance for companies, but also offers a common starting point for other organisations and initiatives working to scale-up ethical supply chains. Additionally, it provides a basis for aligning standards, policies, and metrics across different initiatives so that their impacts complement and reinforce one another.
For example, financial institutions can use the Accountability Framework as a guide to establish policies for ethical lending and investment in the agribusiness, food, and forestry sectors. It also helps them to screen and engage business partners in their portfolios to fulfil these policies.
Industry groups and multi-stakeholder initiatives can use the Framework as a template to develop strong guidelines, implementation plans, and progress metrics. It enables them to build on widely accepted principles and move more rapidly into problem-solving and implementation.
The Framework also provides a structured approach and set of metrics for assessing and disclosing company performance on ethical supply chains. Leading reporting bodies, platforms, and scorecards use it to help align their methods and metrics, thereby strengthening performance data and accountability sector wide.
Ready to get started? Click here to learn more about the Accountability Framework and join us in accelerating the transition to ethical agricultural and forestry supply chains.