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Metodologia Comum para Avaliação de Progressos em Direção a Cadeias de Suprimento Livres de Desmatamento

16 janeiro 2024

Um recurso para apoiar as práticas comuns e alinhadas para avaliar o desempenho corporativo por compradores, investidores, instituições financeiras e sociedade civil.

The Accountability Framework provides companies with guidance on best practices for achieving deforestation-free supply chains. To effectively hold companies accountable for their progress toward meeting supply chain goals, organisations working to evaluate company performance similarly require a comprehensive and common approach to doing so.

To this end, a group of leading organizations involved in tracking corporate progress and outcomes around forest-risk commodities convened to develop a Common Methodology for Assessment of Progress Towards Deforestation-Free Supply Chains, in alignment with the Accountability Framework. This methodology is intended as a resource to support common and aligned approaches to assessing corporate performance by buyers, investors, financial institutions, and civil society.


  • Rainforest Alliance/Accountability Framework Initiative
  • Meridian Institute
  • Climate Focus
  • CDP Forests
  • Global Canopy
  • Forest Trends/Supply Change
  • Ceres
  • WRI/Global Forest Watch Pro
  • Climate Advisers
  • Proforest
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