Podcast: Optimised guidelines to reduce deforestation and land conversion impacts
25 novembro 2022
The AFi, McDonald's, and Innovation Forum discuss new guidance on land use change developed by the AFi, SBTi, and GHG Protocol.

In a new podcast from Innovation Forum, the AFi and McDonald's chat with Ian Welsh about new guidance on land use change and further target setting, accounting for impact and disclosure, developed by the Accountability Framework initiative in partnership with the Science Based Targets initiative and Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
Listen now to hear more about McDonald's strategy to reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions and focus on how the guidance will aid towards accounting challenges, targeting alignment and routes to success through collaboration.
- Leah Samberg, Lead Scientist at the Accountability Framework initiative (Rainforest Alliance)
- Pete Garbutt, Sustainability Director, Nature and Climat at McDonald's
- Ian Welsh, Director at Innovation Forum
Listen to the episode now: