Learn how your company can communicate about its use of and alignment with the Accountability Framework.
Companies are encouraged to publicly communicate their support for the AFi and their use of the Accountability Framework in guiding how they set, implement, and monitor their supply chain goals. Companies wishing to communicate about their use of or alignment with the Framework may do so as described below.
Use of the Framework:
The AFi is pleased to feature examples of how companies have used the Framework to improve their supply chain policies, practices, and performance. See the Impacts for Companies page and other resources such as webinars and podcasts for more details on how the Framework has been used. If you want to share how your company has applied the Framework in your own operations, get in touch with the AFi team today.
Companies may also communicate about their use of the Framework through their own websites, reports, or other channels, provided that such communication is clear, truthful, and adheres to the AFi’s policy on communications and claims.
Alignment with the Framework:
The AFi provides a self-assessment tool for companies to benchmark their policies and practices against the Framework. Companies that wish to communicate their degree of alignment with the Framework may make the results of their assessment available to stakeholders in any manner that they choose.
Several major reporting standards and platforms enable companies to report against elements of the Accountability Framework. Companies are encouraged to use these systems to disclose the extent to which their policies, practices, and systems align with these elements of the Framework.
Since the Accountability Framework is not a compliance standard against which companies can be verified or certified, companies should not claim that they are verified against, certificated against, or comply with the Accountability Framework.
Want to make claims about the Accountability Framework?
Companies wishing to make claims about the performance or compliance of their products or supply chains on the topics of no-deforestation, no-conversion, and respect for human rights should follow Core Principle 12 and the Operational Guidance on Reporting, Disclosure, and Claims. These resources present criteria and good practices for how to formulate and substantiate such claims in a credible manner.