The Accountability Framework provides companies with guidance on best practices for achieving ethical supply chains. To effectively hold companies accountable for their progress towards meeting supply chain goals, organisations working to evaluate company performance similarly require a comprehensive and common approach to doing so.
Developed by leading reporting and assessment organisations, the Common Methodology for Assessment of Progress Towards Deforestation- and Conversion-Free Supply Chains supports tracking of corporate progress and outcomes related to soft commodity supply chains in alignment with the Accountability Framework.
The Common Methodology provides a common set of metrics for assessing company commitments, actions, and performance related to eliminating deforestation, conversion, and associated human rights abuses from commodity supply chains. It is intended as a resource to support common and aligned approaches to assessing corporate performance by buyers, investors, financial institutions, and civil society. Initiatives working to develop or improve corporate disclosure requirements or assessment tools are encouraged to draw from the metrics provided in this document to ensure consistency with global norms, the expectations of stakeholders, and the Accountability Framework.
The Common Methodology has already been used to strengthen and standardise the methodologies of corporate disclosure platforms such as CDP, reporting standards such as GRI, assessment initiatives such as Forest 500, as well as the policies and KPIs of financial institutions and industry associations.
Companies that produce or source commodities are encouraged to report and disclose in accordance with reporting standards and disclosure platforms that adopt this methodology. However, it is not designed for direct use by companies to structure their own reporting.
Access the Common Methodology for Assessment of Progress Towards Deforestation- and Conversion-Free Supply Chains below:
Climate Advisers
Climate Focus
Forest Trends/Supply Change
Global Canopy
Rainforest Alliance
WRI/Global Forest Watch Pro