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The AFi defines key terms and concepts that are used in the Accountability Framework Core Principles and Operational Guidance. These definitions reflect consensus of the AFi Coalition and align with external norms where relevant.

Download the Terms and Definitions as a PDF

Black text indicates the term and definition. Small green text indicates explanatory information.

For all terms, the black text indicates the term (bold) and definition (regular). For some terms, the smaller, green text acts an explanatory note, giving further information to help interpret and apply the definition.

For more information on how to apply the definitions of deforestation and conversion, please see the Operational Guidance on Applying the Definitions Related to Deforestation and Conversion.


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Zero net deforestation

No net loss in forest area between two points in time, taking into account both losses from deforestation and gains from forest regeneration and restoration. Zero net deforestation is typically assessed with reference to a given geographic area (eg, a district, state, nation, or globe) and a given timeframe.

  • The AFi advocates against the use of zero net deforestation as a target related to the forest and land-use footprint or outcomes of company operations, supply chains, or investments.
  • This definition is provided here for context and completeness because it sometimes appears in the lexicon. Zero net deforestation may be a relevant target at the landscape, jurisdictional, or national scale, considering all sectors and all land uses together. To the extent that such a target is set in these contexts, the AFi advocates that the target also be disaggregated to establish separate sub-targets for and tracking of natural forests and tree plantations, so that the intended types of forest conservation, loss, and/or gain are clearly specified.
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