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Core Principle 11 states that regular monitoring should be conducted in relation to the company’s policy commitments and other obligations. The Accountability Framework outlines three monitoring approaches:

  • On-the-ground monitoring: Monitoring of production units and primary processing sites
  • Area-based monitoring: Monitoring of sourcing areas or jurisdictions
  • Supplier monitoring: Monitoring of suppliers’ management and control systems

Companies should use one or more of these approaches, depending on their positions in the supply chain, visibility to the supply-base level, and approach to supply chain management. For instance, producers and those that buy directly from producers may be able to conduct accurate on-the-ground monitoring. Downstream companies may rely on a combination of monitoring strategies, including the use of certification and similar tools that incorporate on-the-ground monitoring. For each of the three monitoring approaches, the Framework provides guidelines and examples of suitable tools and metrics for effective monitoring of social, environmental, and land-use outcomes.

Core Principle 11 also states that company performance and compliance must be validated through verification processes that follow norms of good practice for credibility, rigor, and independence. The Framework includes guidelines for credible verification to provide the necessary level of assurance for both internal management and external stakeholders.


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Related Core Principle


Monitoring and verification
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