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Creating an Inclusive Supply Chain: Incentivising and Facilitating Smallholder Traceability

22 Nov 2023

Creating an Inclusive Supply Chain: Incentivising and Facilitating Smallholder Traceability

A panel co-hosted by WWF-Indonesia and WRI Indonesia as the Accountability Framework initiative Southeast Asia secretariat

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Webinar: Sourcing deforestation- and conversion-free agricultural and forestry commodities

13 Sep 2023

Webinar: Sourcing deforestation- and conversion-free agricultural and forestry commodities

Hear more about strategies for sourcing agricultural and forestry commodities that are free from deforestation and conversion. Speakers including Efeca and Nestle.

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Webinar: Using CDP’s framework to report deforestation-and conversion-free production and sourcing

13 Jul 2023

Webinar: Using CDP’s framework to report deforestation-and conversion-free production and sourcing

Answers to common questions about deforestation-and conversion-free breakdowns in disclosures.

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Webinar: Setting clear nature, climate, and human rights goals with the Accountability Framework

22 Jun 2023

Webinar: Setting clear nature, climate, and human rights goals with the Accountability Framework

See how companies can set/strengthen their supply chain goals with speakers from Mars, WWF/SBTi, Systemiq/SBTN, and the AFi.

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Webinar: Melindungi hutan, ekosistem, dan HAM dalam lanskap yang tengah berubah

25 Mei 2023

Webinar: Melindungi hutan, ekosistem, dan HAM dalam lanskap yang tengah berubah

Pelajari cara perusahaan dapat menggunakan Kerangka Akuntabilitas dalam melindungi hutan, ekosistem, dan HAM, dengan pembicara dari AFi, McDonald's, dan Proforest.

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Deforestation birds-eye view

25 Nov 2022

Podcast: Optimised guidelines to reduce deforestation and land conversion impacts

The AFi, McDonald's, and Innovation Forum discuss new guidance on land use change developed by the AFi, SBTi, and GHG Protocol.

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Forest landscape viewed from the top

29 Sep 2022

Webinar: Rantai pasok bebas deforestasi, bebas konversi, dan tanpa emisi dari perubahan pemanfaatan lahan

Simak paparan WWF, WRI, Nestle, dan IKEA dalam webinar peluncuran panduan baru yang disusun oleh AFi, SBTi, dan GHG Protocol.

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Big group of people gathered in the forest

14 Jun 2022

Webinar: Melindungi hak atas lahan dalam rantai pasok komoditas

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang penghormatan terhadap hak Masyarakat Adat dan masyarakat setempat dalam webinar ini dengan pembicara dari Forest Peoples Programme, Proforest, dan lainnya.

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Palm seeds in hand

25 Mei 2022

Webinar: Dari komitmen hingga aksi dalam skala besar: Langkah penting guna mencapai rantai pasok bebas deforestasi

Webinar ini membahas berbagai temuan dalam laporan yang mengevaluasi kemajuan perusahaan berdasarkan Kerangka Akuntabilitas menggunakan data Hutan CDP tahun 2021.

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