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Rubber harvesting in forest

8 Mar 2022

Podcast: Fast-tracking rubber sector sustainability progress

This podcast discusses how the AFi worked with GPSNR and its members to develop a policy framework that addresses the specific supply chain risks in the rubber sector.

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Man working in the forest

1 Des 2021

Webinar: Mengintegrasikan hak pekerja ke dalam rantai pasok komoditas

Pembicara dari Nestlé, Oxfam, Proforest, dan Rainforest Alliance membahas cara menyusun kebijakan, melakukan tindakan, dan melaporkan kemajuan terkait hak pekerja dalam rantai pasok pertanian dan kehutanan.

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Webinar: Deforestation Risk Toolset launch

21 Okt 2021

Webinar: Deforestation Risk Toolset launch

See more about the Deforestation Risk Toolset, developed with the Accountability Framework, GFW Pro, and Trase.

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Birds-eye view of two cars driving in a forest

15 Sep 2021

Webinar: Apa yang perlu dilakukan selanjutnya untuk rantai pasok yang etis?

Webinar ini membahas cara perusahaan dapat dan harus mengatasi deforestasi dalam konteks pengurangan emisi dan target keberlanjutan. Dengan pembicara dari CDP, The Nature Conservancy, Verité, WWF, dan WRI.

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[Translate to Bahasa Indonesia:] Person holding palm seeds in hand

23 Jul 2021

Podcast: How to work with uncertified palm oil farmers

A discussion about how the Accountability Framework can be complementary to membership of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil certification.

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Worker carrying palm seeds

30 Jun 2021

Podcast: Solving the traceability challenges for uncertified palm oil

How to work with suppliers to improve traceability and transparency from non-certified sources, to tackle deforestation and ensure sustainable supply.

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Palm trees and forest landscape

14 Apr 2021

Webinar: Bagaimana sertifikasi mendukung pendekatan di keseluruhan perusahaan untuk rantai pasok yang etis (Bahasa Indonesia)

Webinar ini membahas peran sertifikasi sebagai bagian dari pendekatan yang komprehensif guna mencapai rantai pasok yang etis.

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Palm oil collection

13 Apr 2021

Webinar: Konferensi perusahaan pengelola rantai pasok

Dalam webinar ini, simak perwakilan perusahaan dari seluruh rantai pasok mendiskusikan tantangan dan peluang, membagikan ide, dan menjawab sejumlah pertanyaan.

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Rainforest landscape viewed from above

2 Mar 2021

Webinar: Responsible supply chain management best practices

This webinar will discuss supply chain management for achieving sustainability commitments, the integration of social and environmental risk assessment and management, and practical tools and approaches for supplier engagement.

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